I've added a couple new categories: Movie Reviews and Book Reviews.
Having a lifetime of books behind me, I find that I can reread things I read thirty years ago and find them new and fresh. Either I am quite a different person than I was then, or my brain is running out of hard drive. Probably both. At any rate, I've wanted to keep track of all the books I've read for some time. At the library I browse the shelves and pull out books that look or feel interesting. Other times there are certain books that I know I want to read, and so I check them out. Anything and everything interests me. There will be one post that I update with all the books I read, and individual posts reviewing individual books.
We watch movies quite a bit, too, though mostly after they are out on DVD. We can't get cable, and satellite probably wouldn't work unless we stuck it up on an incredibly tall pole to get it above the trees. If you look at the pictures on my site (click on the cabin icon) you will see that the trees are pretty darn tall! Therefore we rent and buy DVDs and videos. Some exceptions must be made, for instance, I've seen Return of the King twice now and want to go back and see it again before it is gone from the big screen. I love the big screen, but it is expensive!
The movie reviews may be about current movies, or about movies that are old that I have thoughts about. Lately there have been collections of movies/tv shows that have come out, allowing me to see old Roy Rogers movies again whenever I want, or the first season of Gilligan's Island. It's funny how one's viewpoint on these things changes over time!
I hope you will check back and that you'll find these reviews entertaining or thought-provoking.