All material here copyright Jean McDermott. For information on purchasing any article for your publication please use the email link. The language on this site may not be suitable for children or the extremely persnickety.
Jean McDermott is a freelance writer and professional muscian.
I thought Spring was approaching
Apparently I was wrong.
The birdies need no coaching
They are yelling out their song.
Squirrels chirr and run up trees,
The dogs are teased incessantly,
But Spring is down upon its knees
Below three feet of snow!
Spring Unsprung: March in Alaska
I thought Spring was approaching
Apparently I was wrong.
The birdies need no coaching
They are yelling out their song.
Squirrels chirr and run up trees,
The dogs are teased incessantly,
But Spring is down upon its knees
Below three feet of snow!