I hate rain. It's disgusting, drippy, messy, muddy and above all the most depressing type of weather bar none.
You can't take a hike in the rain. Or go fishing (though I've been stubborn enough to do that, it really isn't fun), or do any gardening, or any other outdoor activity. I can't take the dogs for a walk without it being a major mess, they can't stay out in the yard. Whenever I let them out to do their business, I have to wipe them all off again. It drips on your glasses and you have to constantly wipe them off, or take them off every time you get in or out of the car. EVERYTHING you do becomes a total chore because of rain.
We just came out of six months of cold weather. REALLY cold weather. We have paid our dues! We made it through the long dark, with dark days and heaps of snow. The weather shouldn't be pissing all over us. We deserve nice, warm spring days filled with sunshine.
Compared to rain, snow is great. Snow is dry. You can ski, mush dogs, take walks, even, (if it isn't too cold), you can go out on the snow machine, and the SUN comes out brilliantly, even if it is only for a couple hours a day at the darkest times. Whereas with rain the sky is dark all the time, and there is no sun.
I lived for ten years in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, the place the Indians there called "The Valley of the Sickness."
White folks never listen to Indians.
For ten years I suffered under a cloud of grey, with nasty, drizzly, non-stop rain. It made moss grow in the lawn, on the roof, all along the rubber in my car. It made mildew a constant pal on every wall. You end up with strange fungal growths on your skin. I remember summers that were two weeks long, and maybe 85 degrees, before the rain came back and smothered us again. I've gone numerous times for six months at a stretch without seeing the sun. It was like a horror movie that never ended.
I hate rain.
I swear I've got Post Traumatic Rain Syndrome. Ever since I experienced the Williamette Valley, when it clouds up for a few hours, I get a little nervous. When the clouds remain a whole day and a whole night, I get downright antsy, and when I wake up the next day and it's still horizon to horizon grey, I feel that life is hopeless and I'm FURIOUS. I've had enough rain. I've paid my dues over and over again and have been punished with the lack of sun. ENOUGH.
This Land of the Midnight Sun is not playing fairly. People keep saying, "Oh, this is odd, we usually don't get rain like this." But this is what folks have been telling me about the weather ever since I moved here! No matter what is happening, it's "odd" and an "anomaly" and it "usually isn't like this." That's what they told me when it rained for the entire month of August and most of September, last year.
This is NOT the Pacific Northwest, nor is it coastal Alaska (where there is a rainforest ecology---and they can have it). This is the Interior, where it's supposedly dry.
Look, I don't care about "we need the moisture" and all that crap. I'm not taking the big, PC, ecological view here. Screw that. This isn't about being rational, it's about hating rain! I don't hate precipitation, I just hate RAIN! We should get our precipitation in snow and that should be that. Period! Goddess has spoken!
The forecast for the next week is rain. For the next week.