The latest armloads of books brought home from the library have been on Celtic myth and lore, first-person accounts of Native American medicine men, and mysteries.
The reason I read, more than any other, is because I want to know. What is the nature of things? How are we all connected? What is my place in the Universe? Why am I alive now? What has it been like for other people, what have their journeys been like and what did they find out? What clues can I find?
Sometimes I choose books by pure intuition. I love to browse the bookshelves just waiting for something to jump out at me. I have found some of the best books that way.
Other times I look for a particular author and then decide that I'm going to investigate whatever happens to be here under, say the "E"s in fiction.
Sometimes I make use of the card catalogue (which is now actually a computer) and try to find books that relate to keywords (such as "Scottish" and "Folklore"). Then I make a list and go out on safari and find them, picking up likely books adjacent as I go.
I'm currently reading a slew of books by Liz Evans, an English author who writes mysteries starring a spunky woman detective. The character is quite well done, she's human, she has her faults, she has her doubts, quirks, and failings. But she's also quite fearless, especially by American standards. She doesn't carry a gun, for one thing. She goes out jogging just any old time, unafraid. She cares very little what she looks like and so far, after three books, she still has only three outfits!
This character's name is Grace Smith, and I am inspired by her to be less fearful and to seize the day. Even though I read these books mainly for entertainment, I am learning something important from them.
You just never know where you will find the Clues to the Mystery of Life.
Native American medicine men are supposed to have the answers, so it isn't a surprise when I learn something from those kinds of books. Myths and folklore are chock-full of veiled explanations of the Universe.
But don't overlook the mystery set. You never know.