I've been sick since last Sunday. Spent most of Sunday night and Monday day in delirium with a temperature that hovered around 104.6°. At one point I came to, became aware that I wasn't dead and was surprised.
The fever still goes back and forth between subnormal (97°) and 103°. This flu, I guess that's what it is, is particularly nasty, in that it not only inflames your lungs and your nasal passages, but it also caused intense acid reflux so that my esophagus was burned all the way up to my throat. My lungs, throat, esophagus, nasal and sinus passages all BURNED. Luckily today the burning in the lungs seems to be going away, I started taking an acid blocker so my esophagus can heal, but my poor little nostrils are bleeding from having had to blow my nose so much. I put Vaseline on them, and that's pretty desperate. Cloud Nine toilet paper now feels like sandpaper to my nose!
I'm writing this right now because I can't sleep due to being unable to keep breathing passages clear. I'm so exhausted.
But in a way, it's not a bad thing. Believe it or not!
Monday before last my Nissan pickup lost 1st gear out on a busy street. That was thrilling! But I managed to get it to the right mechanic (as opposed to the horrible ones that ruined my other truck) and borrowed a truck from one of my students. Thing is, my Nissan has studded snow tires on it and 4WD. The truck I borrowed is a Ford F-150 with automatic 2WD and street tires. Try to take THAT out on the icy roads right now and WHHEEEEE!
Last night it snowed four inches and it looks like winter is finally here. I'm too sick to go to work, and even if I could, it would be suicide to go out in my borrowed rig. So there, it's probably a good thing that if I had to have my truck repaired at some point, that it happen this way.
Oh, and along the way, what with transferring my gear, instruments, etc., from truck to truck, I lost my Handspring Visor Palm pilot. That was my second brain! I had done a back up the week before, but there were lots of changes. So I'm scrambling to reconstruct my schedule, which is not an easy thing to do with a 104° temperature.