Okay, okay all RIGHT already! It's been raining for about two weeks or more! I'm SICK of it! If I wanted this much rain I'd go live in Juneau, or Eugene! I've seen the sun twice since this crap started. Arrrggghhhh!!!!!
I'm glad it's warm outside (haven't I done a post on what is "warm" to an Alaskan?) but GEEZ LOUISE I hate mud, and drip, drip, drip and having to see through the windshield while windshield wipers constantly get in my way. Fairbanks is usually sunny, and three days of rain is about it per episode, and then we get some sun. But not this time!
Look, this is why I moved away from Oregon. And yet they say with global warming (which is no joke, it's quite thoroughly apparent up here in the far North) we are going to get more and more of this southern rain bullshit. Soccer moms! Stop driving SUVs everywhere!! You don't need them! What you need is the Brady's station wagon! And send ME an SUV, I DO need it up here!
Actually, as far as global warming goes, I'm doing my bit. I'm driving an old Toyota Camry that gets 38mpg on the highway! Just a little less in town. Front wheel drive gets me around in the winter just fine. Way better gas mileage than most giant THINGS on the road too, such as the Chevy Subdivision, the Ford Exploder and other vehicles the size of Asia.
Rain. I don't care how "good" is is for the "planet" blah blah bunch of smarmy hippy bullshit. I don't have to like it, and I DON'T!