You never know if there are angels out there. So I'm going to put my Christmas list up here. Sure, I'm dreamin', but why not?
1. A new recording of Yogi Yorgesson singing "Yingle Bells." I have a very corny sense of humor and this song just cracks me up every time! I've worn out the tape of it some kind person sent to me many years ago, and I want to play it for the kids I teach. The artist is actually Harry Stewart, and you can find his CDs here:Harry Stewart.
2. A new violin bow. I took my bow to be rehaired, and the shop that took it botched the job and the bow broke. (And they won't make good on it, either.) It was my best bow, a French one worth $1700. It's been a terrible loss, resulting in my right hand cramping and being very sore from using a heavy bow, the only usable one I have left. I need a light to medium wooden, probably European bow. I tried the carbon fiber bows but they aren't flexible enough for my hand. I play six to eight hours a day, teach people, peform. If you have an old bow that is light, wood and in good shape, I sure need one (or two!).
3. I really need new flannel-lined Carhartt pants. I only have one pair of these, and one pair quilted. It's a long winter here! I take size 33 x32.
4. A plane ticket to Seattle, or to Albuquerque, a train ticket from Seattle to Albuquerque--I want to go visit my son whom I haven't seen in three years. I'd rather fly to Seattle and take the train. I hate airplanes.
5. Enough money to fix the CV joints, get brakes and a new windshield on my car. Or the timing chain fixed on my truck! It's parked all winter so I don't ruin the engine by having the chain break while driving it! Vehicles!! A constant money-drain!
6. A new Mac! My clamshell continues to be funky, the desktop unit doesn't have a RW CD unit, and both have miniscule hard drives (5 & 9 GB, respectively).
7. While I'm dreaming, a house and property that I could buy on a land-sale contract. It would be so nice to have my own place again. It would have to be here, of course.
8. For my son and his girlfriend to come up here and visit.
9. For any of my friends, especially Janis, to come and visit!
10. A bunch of those square, violet-flavored candies that my grandma used to have. C. Howard makes them . Here is a link to a Candy Store.
That's plenty, and mostly impossible, but I thought I might as well put it out there. We are supposed to be "adults" and "not want" anything for Christmas. I think that's baloney. There's a kid inside everyone who wants a present for Christmas!