I have more hits on this blog than ever before, and yet no comments left for almost a month. Who ARE you guys? Say something, will you? I feel like I'm out here typing to a strange Kafka-esque universe. There are signs of people everywhere, but no actual voices...kinda creepy, really.
I do look at the keywords being used to surf here. Strangely enough, or sadly enough, many folks have surfed here by searching for the gary/arnold/brandon spam, which, by the way, continues to fill my mailbox. My friend Janis gets all the good email with the funny engrish in it, while all I get are unfunny one-liners from arnold/gary/brandon asking (ten times a day) if I want cheap or new drugs from various places, some shadier sounding than others. That's what I get for having very good spam filters. I miss the funny stuff.
There are also the people looking for "niche music" which still baffles me. Music is music. It all fills some niche somewhere. This term is meaningless. Then again, most musical categories are nearly meaningless now. Just go to a mall music/CD store and try to find the Rock section. "Oh," the hairless, pierced, dead-white rail-thin teenaged "sales associate" says, "That's all in POPULAR." Please. The Rolling Stones next to Britney Spears? That's just wrong. It's more than wrong. It's scary.
Besides, the Rolling Stones have never sent me email that THEY are N.A.K.E.D. Dear God, I hope they never do, looking at that would certainly make me poke my eyes out.
I digress.
Please, there's a comment option at the end of each post. Hint, hint. And remember, "The face of success is only a press on your mouse away! Can't make any promises about sheer glamor, though.