I was irritated to find that two rabbits escaped my efforts at catching and rehoming them all last year. In Fall of 2005 I got a cat trap from Animal Control and caught and found homes for twelve rabbits. But as spring came forward, so did two black bunnies, one with a white-tipped paw.
I was busy, I was getting ready for a trip, it was still cold outside, there were so many reasons why I wanted to wait to catch these rabbits. So I got started a little late only to find a third rabbit had joined them and apparently this last rabbit was a female. Damn it. How do I know she's a female? The appearance of at least three baby rabbits. Feck.
Well, about a week ago I went and got another cat trap from animal control. It had a different mechanism and was pretty tightly strung. I couldn't get any of the rabbits to pay any attention to it at all, no matter how much nice green, expensive lettuce I put in it. (Lettuce is often close to $2 a head here. Takes lettuce to buy some lettuce in this town.)
The baby rabbits are out on their own and have made their own little rabbity apartment in a stack of lumber under the deck next to the house. So I put the cat trap right by their entry hole. Twenty four hours go by. Nothing, no caught rabbits. But wait, what's this? Some of the lettuce is gone? What the heck?
I put more expensive Alaskan lettuce in the trap, waited 20 minutes and went out and looked. Sure enough, there were little bitty rabbits frolicking in and out of the cage with nary a care in the world. There is no way in heck that trap will spring for such little babies. I doubt it would even trip for a grown-up bunny, not to mention these little cuties.
Back to Animal Control and I explained my problem. They agreed that the trap was bogus for catching rabbits and gave me another, in fact, gave me a teeny one for the babies (it's really a squirrel trap) and a big one for the adults. These traps are much easier to trip. "Well, the babies have been trained to go in the trap, so it ought to be easy now!" I said on my way out.
Maybe it was finding yummies in the old trap, or maybe this is just a better trap, but regardless, I now have three baby bunnies in my holding cage. Two black ones and one grey one.
As for the adults rabbits, they are still wary of the big trap. I stepped outside to see if they'd gotten caught and found the upstairs cat nearly inside it. While the rabbits watched from ten feet away, she explored the whole thing verrrrrrrrrry carefully, and I know if there had been something cat-yummy inside, she would have gone right in. Well, it's a cat trap, after all. Let's hope that's not what the rabbits think.