Have any of you really noticed how many celebs are now poofing up their lips with collagen injections and even, horribly enough, lip implants? It's not just Angelina "Baboon-Buttface" Jolie but there are even men doing this these days! I have to say that Ms. Baboon Buttface did start out with large lips, but she has blown them way out of proportion. I think while she was with Billy Bob Thornton she sucked some of his flesh off into her lips. That would explain his skeletal look during that period.
I saw a picture of Fergie, aka Sarah Ferguson of the English royals, with trout pout. I was much disappointed, having considered her the one almost, nearly-normal person out of the whole clan. On the other hand, I've only seen one pic with the huge lips, and perhaps she came to her senses and let them go back to their normal size. One can hope.
This image comes courtesy of Awful Plastic Surgery , a site where one can spend hours going "Oh!" and "Auugh!" Kind of like watching fireworks...or trainwrecks.
There are lists of boob job pictures, rhinoplasty photos, and much, much more. Courtney Love and Viveka Fox win in my book for their scary, irregular breast implants. Then there are the young and rich who don't seem to sport the same nose for more than six months at a time. Check out the hook on Paris Hilton's schnozz! Good lord, she's a shoo-in for Wicked Witch of the West! Unless, in my opinion, old Sarah Jessica Parker decides to go for the role. She's always looked like a witch, even without plastic surgery that has made her look even more witchlike with that pointed chin and scary nose. How she built herself up to seem like some sex symbol is far beyond me. Maybe there are more men who want to make love to their grandmas than I know about. Let's not think about it.
There's a section on the Jackson family, of course. Michael Jackson is one of the scariest people on the planet, hands down. Why any parent would allow a child around him is beyond me, actions aside, the man looks like a monster! Holy Thriller...Want to know something even scarier? That skeleton nose appears on La Toya, too! On the other hand, pretty soon he'll complete his transformation into an old, white woman and compete with Sarah Jessica Parker for the role of the Wicked Witch of the West...or maybe begin starring in Sex and the City.
I was disappointed that there was little on Cher, who looks so little like her actual self that I wonder if maybe she's just had her whole head replaced.
Joan Rivers, Jocelyn Wildenstein: these are the things of nightmares. I just looked at myself in the mirror and I don't need any of that stuff. I like my face, old as it is. It's not the face I had when I was twenty, but that's okay. I earned it.
My highschool friend Faye had a nose job when we were in highschool. She did have a huge nose, and it was changed to a cute little snub...and for some reason we all felt betrayed. I liked her very much the way she was. My recollection of those days is fuzzy, but somehow after her surgery she was never the same, and now won't speak to any of us, and won't come to any reunions, etc. I don't know what her issue is, but I do know that I felt a loss when she changed her nose. I always wondered if she lost a bit of herself and then had to scramble to reinvent the "new" Faye. It must have been very difficult, especially at age 15 or 16.
The one person I didn't see was Nancy Reagan. That skin-tight face with the weird eyes on top of that old lady body was creepy. To her credit, she seems to have stopped and is allowing her face to finally look older, and I can't fault her for trying to get stem cell research going.
Have fun browsing Awful Plastic Surgery. And be glad you don't have money to burn.