Why is it called Daylight Savings Time when it is during the summer? We don't need daylight maximized during the summer. That's when we have long, long days and lots of light. In Alaska we have nearly 24-hr sunlight and laugh our heads off at "Daylight Savings" Time.
"Daylight Savings Time" should be called "Stupid, Annoying Time Change." As far as I'm concerned it's there just to annoy all of us. So, sure, a precious few who do business with New York City need to be somewhat in synch with the offices back East, big whoop. THEY can get up earlier to make phone calls just like I do for my business. What is the big deal?
It's during the winter that we need daylight "saved." The time change in October messes with my internal clock just as severely as the Spring forward, but at least it seems to serve a purpose. We get a quick chance at a bit more sunlight. It's temporary for Alaskans, because the sun will eventually come up around 11am and set around 2pm on December 21st (and then the days will start getting longer again).
Around 7:30 it started getting light today. That's a good thing for me. So, why isn't the winter time period called Daylight Savings Time? THAT'S when we are actually saving daylight!
I've never understood it. In fact, I think I went all through college and highschool thinking that Daylight Savings Time was the time change in the winter. I wish we could just leave the time the way it was year round. NO Daylight Savings Time at all. That way the sun would rise "earlier" from the beginning of Fall.
In Arizona the state does all the idiotic time changes and the reservations don't. THAT's an interesting situation. I'm with the Indians. Let's just leave the time alone.
As for calling the summer time "Daylight Savings", I think scientists need an English major to help them. They obviously have a problem here.