Late Wednesday night I was eating my dinner (long day) and my boyfriend was in my tiny office playing on the computer. I suddenly realized that I didn't have Ole at my side (he's been leashed to me a LOT, because he gets into stuff) and I said, alarmed, "Where's OLE?" "Oh, he's right here," Scott said. "Oh.....what's he doing?" And what he was doing was chewing on a disposable RAZOR. Scott handed me the handle.
There was no sign of the razor head.
You can imagine how I tore the place apart.
You see we've been keeping the bathroom door closed at all times, but someone forgot and left it open for about ten minutes. I actually don't know who it was, so no blame here! Ole went into the trash and got a used disposable razor. We think he loves them because they smell like Scott. I had already found him with ONE razor and gotten both parts away from him. But this time all we could find was the handle.
Uh oh.
I looked in his mouth, thinking that if he had chewed on the razor part he'd have cuts. No cuts. Scott swore up and down that Ole would have had cuts if he'd swallowed the razor. "No way that dog ate that razor, he'd be all cut up," quoth Scott.
I called the emergency vets, the only one here. They are CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS. Now that's fine if you have a dog who says, reasonably, "I won't eat this razor tonight, because the emergency vets are closed. I'll wait until tomorrow." RIGHT. Like THAT'S going to happen!
I didn't want to make him throw up because I figured it might do more damage coming up. So I fed him the squishiest raw english muffins I had. I didn't have any white bread. I do now, after the fact! No cotton balls, either....gonna have to get some.
Anyway, He was FINE. But I felt uneasy. I just couldn't find the head of that stupid razor so I took him in for an X-ray. And yup, it was there, in his stomach. But not in one piece like I thought it would be. I thought he just bit and gulped. But nooooOOOOOoooOOOOooooo! He CHEWED it into FOUR pieces, not counting the many plastic pieces. Yes, he chewed the metal razor with his teeth, and didn't cut his mouth! How do they DO that?
Six X-rays and a half hour of barfing and he was pronounced razor-free. You can see Exhibit A at the top of this post. I am just bloody glad he didn't have to have surgery! As it was it was $315 and I don't think she even charged me for all the X-rays.
Okay, so that makes close to $900 on him so far.....boy oh boy, I'm sure glad folks made donations to the Ole fund! Egads!
I'm SO GLAD he's okay! We got all the pieces. The vet went above and beyond the call of duty by getting her own colander out of her kitchen and sifting through Ole's dog barf to make sure he'd upchucked all the pieces. Money well-spent, all in all.
I did get the added satisfaction that the boyfiend said, "Well, I guess that shows what I know!"
A sign has gone up on the bathroom door reminding us to close it, and the trash is being relocated to hang high up on the wall.
Puppies. Gotta love 'em!