It's been raining a lot lately, so the dogs have been playing mostly inside. Besides, whenever I take them out all they want to do is stare at the Evil Squirrels in the trees. They completely forget to play with each other, and Ole forgets to do his business, too!
Their favorite game is Bitey Face, preferable played in my lap. They start the game by lying quietly, facing each other and panting at each other while they bite each others' cheeks. Then they graduate to using their Indoor Voices and doing hushed growls, and lots of hilarious moany noises. However they graduate to "talking" to each other ("yaaaa, yaaaa, aaaaayaaaahhhh yaaaaa...") and then Ole starts with the classic elkhound YOP! "Hey! I'm gonna get you! YOP!" Which Sofia answers with coyote growls and YELLING. If he hurts her she ROARS at him and pushes him all the way across the room, glaring and roaring. You wouldn't believe a little dog like Sofia can make a noise like that but she sure can, and if you didn't know they were just playing you'd think I had wild animals in here killing each other. Regardless of how scary they sound, they are just playing. No one ever gets hurt or out of control.
If I want to stop it all I have to do is say, "Anyone want a cookie?" And then there is dead silence and two waggy butts going a mile a minute. And sitting! ("See, I'm being GOOD!")
Here are some photos from a recent Bitey Face episode. I was trying to read a book while lying on my bed. You can see why I finally gave up!
I think Bitey Face is the dog version of the Eskimo face-twisting game.
I had to make my bed three times that day and finally gave up.
Dancing, dog style.
"Just try and get the monkey, Sofie..."
Man, he's fast!
You pooped me all out! See, even my ear is pooped out!