When you decide to have a dog, you take on a sacred trust. You are responsible for the life and health of your dog, whether you like it or not. Far too many people do not take this responsibility seriously.
Just because a dog wants to run around, doesn't mean it's good for him, or natural. Dogs are domesticated animals. They are not wolves, coyotes or foxes. They cannot fend for themselves in the wild. Most dogs will die if not cared for.
Sure, your dog wants to run loose. But he also wants to eat hamburgers until he barfs, or drink anti-freeze, which will kill him. Just because a dog wants something doesn't mean it's good for him.
I just returned from an aborted walk with Ole and Sofia. As soon as I got to the end of my short driveway, two dogs came out of my neighbor's yard just a few hundred feet away and headed toward us. Sofia has leash aggression and meeting loose dogs is a prescription for a fight. I've kept her from harming any dogs so far, and from being harmed herself, but two dogs is too many to deal with. I shouldn't have to be put in this position on a daily basis! We should be able to go out and walk! But when people who don't take care of their dogs and let them roam all over the neighborhood, getting into garbage and hassling other dogs, going for walks becomes impossible.
The dogs are just doing what dogs do. It's the owners who are the problem. Perhaps they don't realize what a terrible risk they are taking in letting their dogs run loose.
1. People hit dogs with vehicles all the time. My neighborhood is between two very busy roads. Plus, people drive way too fast on the dirt roads, and a dog who darts out from between bushes and trees will be dead before you know it.
2. Moose. Moose see dogs as "wolf" and stomp them to death. We live in a very high moose area.
3. Wolves. There is a pack of wolves living neaby on and off. In other parts of Fairbanks they have learned to catch and kill dogs for a quick meal.
4. Anti-freeze. People very often change antifreeze in their vehicles this time of year, spill it on the ground, leave it in open buckets or otherwise available. It tastes sweet and dogs and cats and other animals will readily drink it when found. By the time your dog is staggering, it's probably too late.
5. Traps. There are still trappers putting up marten sets and other traps. Your dog might disappear forever, or lose a leg or worse.
6. Dog mushers will tell you (and there are at least two within a block or two of my place) that stray dogs kill their valuable sled dogs. Many mushers will shoot a stray dog on sight. It's just not worth taking a chance. And you know what? They have every right to do that. Your dog should not be on their property.
7. Chickens, goats, horses....just as with sled dogs, these animals belong to others, and the law says that if you catch a dog killing or harassing your livestock you have every right to shoot it.
8. Garbage. At the very least your dog will come home and vomit in a very inconvenient place. At the worst, and probably pretty likely, too, he or she will eat cooked pork or chicken or beef bones from someone's garbage, or plastic, aluminum foil, or great wads of paper, sanitary napkins, pills that people have thrown away, you name it. And die from poisoning or an obstruction. If your dog doesn't die from garbage, he can certainly get a serious case of gastroenteritis and need to be hospitalized. We are talking pretty big bucks here. Or would you rather just keep him or her home so he or she stays healthy? It's your choice.
Don't let your dogs run loose, people.
Here is another reason to walk your dogs on a leash. MY dog, Sofia, can be aggressive to other dogs. So I keep her on a leash, and I don't take her to the dog park where she might hurt another dog. Just because YOUR DOG is friendly, doesn't mean it's a good idea to walk it off-lead in a public area. If YOUR DOG runs up to MY DOG there will be a fight. And yet I am the one acting responsibly here. "Oh, he's friendly!" I hear all the time. Right, but what if MY DOG ISN'T?
Put your dogs on leashes, people!
There is a woman who walks at least FIVE dogs off lead past my house. I've told her that it makes me very nervous. "Oh, they're friendly!" she chirps.
All I'd need is Sofia to curl her lip and her dog pack would kill her as I held the lead. This woman clearly does not understand dog pack psychology. It's just plain STUPID to think you could control FIVE to SEVEN off-lead dogs!
As far as I am concerned, unless you live in the middle of 100 acres and you have an incredibly well-trained dog, or a fenced yard, your dog should never, ever be loose. It should stay on your property, and it should definitely not be using the end of my driveway as a bathroom.