Avast ye landlubbers! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day an' if ye aren't willin' then ye'll be missin' out on all the fun!
There's a cargo hold full o' pirate things here, me mateys!
My pirate name be Neck-Snapper Nancy and you mangy cabin crawlers can find yer own Pirate Names and profiles just like mine.
Your powers are super hearing and a fine pair
of super-buttocks. You're lacking in the strength department, though,
and couldn't pick up a Q-Tip if your life depended on it. At least you
look good in Spandex. You use your super hearing to cheat and make it
look like you're on the ball. You can travel in time, but you're lazy
and almost never bother. You cloud women's minds to have your way with
them (and sometimes men, too). You have a secret desire to be
Superman's sex-slave.
Arrr, me boyfiends will tell ya tis true about the super buttocks!