Okay, so it's -40°F today. Nevertheless, dogs must pee and poop so out we go! I figured we'd be out only ten minutes, so the dogs were barefoot, not even any bag balm...
Sofia pees the second we get out the door. Ole PULLS toward the back yard.
Now if I were alone with Sofia she would potty the instant she got outside in the closest appropriate place and then we'd go back inside. But not Ole. NoooOOOOoooo he has to go into the backyard. So down the trail we go, in the gate and I cut both dogs loose.
Sofia is done within 2 minutes and curls up on the snow with her feet tucked up under her.
Never mind that Ole pulled like heck to get to the yard, as soon as I take off his leash he stands there, picking up his feet and going, "EYOW this hurts!" No duh, you silly dog.
He s-l-o-w-l-y picks his way across the yard to the potty area. He stands there.
"Better go now, Ole. Better go now!" I remind him. He takes some time to look at the birds. I swear!
Then he picks his way to a spot to pee. Then he just HAS to rub himself on the fence back and forth three times.
My legs are starting to really get cold...I have two pairs of pants on, three shirts and a jacket, mukluks (my feet are nice and warm) and two hats on.
Meanwhile Ole finally does a few circles and gets his business done.....pauses...gets that predatory look in his eye and POUNCES on Sofia to get her to PLAY!
I've never had Sofia play at temps this low but Ole is a NUT and just conned her into it! Back and forth for about five minutes and then I made them go back in the house (Sofie came and stood by me and looked at Ole like he was totally crazy).
Ole is a housedog, but he sure does very well in the cold! Plus, he's a NUTCAKE!