The dogs and I heard a knock at the door and we all went running down the stairs to see who it was. I looked out the window: no one! I opened the door and looked to see if I could spot my neighbor walking away. No one.
It was a mystery.
Who could disappear like that?
Who would knock and run away? There are no kids in my neighborhood. Hmmmm.
Then I sat down at my computer,
opened the window blinds,
looked outside
and the mystery was solved.
It's a Hairy Woodpecker. These guys have been naughtily stuffing sunflower seeds into holes they drill in my siding. And I left them a perfectly good tall tree stump that is positively stuffed with spruce bark beetle larvae, too! The nerve! Of course beetle larvae don't keep all winter, this is true. However they need to stop peckering away at my house. At least I do know there aren't bugs in my house, now that I know they are using it for storage.