Yesterday it was 40°F all day, never warmed up, and there was a cold, cold wind. Every day I wake up and wonder if it is the last day of Fall, and expect that the snow will arrive soon. This week I'll put the snow tires on (it's legal after the 15th of September) so I don't get caught out by a sudden snow storm.
Our days and nights are now about even with the rest of North America. But we are losing daylight at the rate of 7 minutes per day.
Yesterday, despite the cold temperature, we had gorgeous skies and sunshine. I hope you enjoy these pictures from around my part of the world.
Note: it's really difficult to get the right colors with a small, digital camera. I've done my best to represent them accurately, but you'll just have to come visit to get the feel of it yourself.
The Vallata, a fancy Italian restaurant that I've never eaten at!
Cloud bow.
Birch, and fireweed gone to seed.
Black spruce, aspens and birches.