I found a really nice gumball machine at a garagesale. Sam's Club doesn't carry gumballs (I was shocked!) but I decided to fill it with jelly beans, the good kind. That way when you put a quarter in you'll get a nice little handful of them.
While I was filling this beauty up (and eating just a few to make sure they were okay) one jelly bean fell on the floor, Ole leaped forward and I figured it was history.
Then I noticed Sofia doing some of her typical wacky coyote behavior.
She's forever sticking her head in dark places looking for mice, voles, whatever she can find. Even if she's in the house. I walked up to her and poked her. She didn't move.
Nope. Whatever was under my desk (on the second story of an office building) was mighty darn riveting.
So I walked around to the other side of the desk and saw this.
Do you see it? ONE pink jellybean that I guess Ole didn't manage to scarf up before Miss Boss Dog decided to lay claim to it. Not eat it. Just stake it out so that Ole couldn't eat it.
Don't come between a coyote dog and her jellybean!
The saddest elkhound anyone has ever seen, who is being deprived of crucial jellybean nutrition.
After I took a bunch of pictures and flashed the heck out of both of them, Sofia heaved a sigh and trotted into the next room with me, as if to say, "Okay, I'm tired of that game now and I think he learned his lesson." Of course Ole jumped right up and snarfed down the prize.
Everyone was happy again.