I really like how Sofia played with her toy, and then "told" Ole to try it himself. In the other section where she's asking for something, she's pointing at the balcony door. She needed to go outside to pee.
Making and then watching this video helped me figure out that Bucky apparently used to live with a little dog, because I can tell now that he's doing an extremely annoying little dog yap. I could never figure that out until I heard it here! And yes, he does call me "Mommy" in the beginning of the video. I didn't teach him that, but I'm Mommy and no one else is.
The toy monkey that made noise drove him CRAZY and that's why he was so totally annoying the entire time the dogs were getting their toys. The part where he got his toy actually came first, but the dogs doing their thing was far more diverting to Bucky than his toy (which he is still afraid of). He'll get used to it and tear it up eventually, though!