The bizarre weather just keeps coming.
Since around 6am this morning it started with freezing rain and as I type it is midnight and the rain hasn't stopped yet. It's so bad that Fairbanks has basically shut down.
I didn't take this picture and I don't know who to credit, but a friend in this area posted it.
This is why no one should go out driving.
Want another example? How about this?
Photo by Tabitha Omeilly. This is Ballaine Road from the top of the incredibly steep hill. It's looks less steep than it really is. In reality that hill is a real killer.
The freezing rain continues to fall, and the temperature keeps hovering around 32°, which means the ice is as slick as it could possibly be. If the temperature would drop to say, 0, or -10 then it would give a the roads a chance to dry out and the ice wouldn't be so slick.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to have to plug in my damn freezer again. Once again, these temperatures are very anomalous!
On the upside, the snow is now wet enough to make a snowman!
The dogs haven't seen it yet, but I bet they kind of freak out about it. If I'm stuck home again tomorrow I'm going to make a SnowDog, or a SnowMoose, or maybe a wife for this snowman.