Whose idea was this? A tiny cup of fruit, swimming in sticky juice, lid vacuumed on. These are impossible to eat.
I'm hungry. I just got these fruit cups so I'd have something healthy to eat at work. So I grab one and rip the top off. Juice and fruit squirt EVERYWHERE! Like, on the computer screen, the iPhone, the desk, my shirt, my pants, etc. Ole dog is thrilled.
I'm still hungry. So I hold it c a r e f u l l y by the sides and try to pull off the lid. My fingers push down on the top, the vacuum pops open and juice goes everywhere. Mainly down the front of my shirt.
Since I didn't even get to eat a whole fruit cup yet, I decide to be even more careful.Feeling that I'm pretty clever, I tilt the darn thing until what air is in it is underneath the plastic pull top. Gently, I ease the plastic top up, oh so delicately, and delicately get juice down my front, leaving a nice dark splotch on the crotch of my pants.
Yes, but at least I got to eat most of the fruit!
I've gone from having the whole thing just explode to actually being able to eat some. But dang it, there has got to be a way to open these without painting the world with sticky!
Let's see, it's in a vacuum. What if I poke it with a push pin before I open the top? It would break the seal and possibly make it safe for human consumption. Oh, I'm feeling way too clever now!
Voiding the vacuum had no effect on how messily the cup opened. Sigh.
Moms send their kids to school with these things! Do they send scalpels with them? I think that is the only way to open the lid. That is, don't open the lid. Excise it with a scalpel. If someone has a scalpel and can try this, please let me know what happens. Just don't try it during an operation.
I am of the opinion that these are just booby traps to make fools of us. Inedible, possibly. Wearable, for sure.