What a day!
Teaching Young Native Fiddlers, Inc., then lunch with a friend. I went home but wasn't there long when Scott called. He'd given his cat too much insulin and she was crashing, was dying! This little kitty is 17...and diabetic.
So he starts trying to give her some honey, which revives her a little but after much discussion and me calling two different vet hospitals, we take her to the E-Vet. I drive all the way to Ester because his car is out of gas. It was a good thing we did! Her sugar was 21, and it should be 100!
So the vet wanted to keep her for three hours to work on her and help her get back to normal, so Scott and I went and ate dinner, and then did what any Fairbanksan does when you are stuck in town and don't have anything in particular to do...we hung out in Fred Meyer. Yes, Fred Meyer is the Social Hub of Fairbanks!
As Scott said, "Well, there must be *something* you need, right?"
After about an hour at Freddie's the vet called and said she was good to go home.
We picked her up. As we walked back to the car with the cat in the carrier, I accidentally pushed the OPEN HATCH button instead of the Unlock Doors button and suddenly both Sofia and Ole are out, just yards away from an extremely busy street. Ole came right to us, all busy busy and happy, and Scott walked up to Sofia and grabbed her leash because, like any old lady, she REALLY had to pee!
This whole time it's raining, and the temperature is iffy. Are we going to have black ice and me with miles and miles to drive? Well, it's rain most of the way, to and from Ester, and as I head to Goldstream it turns into Snow Blechh, but it's not too bad and I made it home just fine.
But the weirdness with animals isn't over yet. When I walk the very good dogs (who didn't even make a peep even though there was a CAT in the car meOWing pitifully) after their dinner, Ole goes into the woods (they are on long leads) and does his bidness, but decides to try to come back to me via the wrong side of the tree. I'm calling him, calling him, it's pitch dark and snow blecching outside and suddenly I'm holding a leash with a harness attached and no dog!
Of course Ole is dancing around next to me all silly and happy. So I snap the leash to his collar and a very long day is finally over. And I have very, very good dogs!