It's time to stop with the independent candidates. They can't win. NADER. REMEMBER that election? Idealism lost us that election. That can't happen again. The stakes are too high.
It's not time to be complacent. I hear some of you acting as if you can "opt out" (real life words: not vote) or just throw your vote away on some third-party candidate as if it will all be okay. Like it's a TV show. There is sense of entitlement here that disturbs me greatly. It's not just a "thing," voting for the President of the United States. It's a responsibility, a right that was fought and died for. It's not just a lifestyle choice!
People have died so you could vote. If you are a woman, Black, Native American or any kind of person other than white male, you didn't even have voting rights UNTIL people struggled and fought and died for them. Don't forget the love your ancestors had for you, they did it so you could be free.
Hillary Clinton may not be perfect, but she's a strong, very smart woman. This threatens the old white men in the GOP just as much as the genetic content of our current President. Maybe more. This is why they have been trashing her for years. A WOMAN PRESIDENT! And woman who can do a good job, too, who is smart and experienced enough to make a difference. Someone who will stand up to them. Their collective balls are retracting in fear!
All of you who believe that Hillary Clinton is a "crook" are falling into the Republican propaganda wagon. The Republicans have spent at least a decade degrading and harassing her. None of it is real. None of it is even close to the illegal things that Bush/Cheney did, or that old Bush did. Iran/Contra? And Ronnie Rayguns, who, as governor of California, closed all the State mental hospitals and put those patients out on the streets, creating the homeless problem in one grand sweep. And that was just as governor, and just one horrendous thing. Hundreds of people died in embassies under Republicans. Benghazi? The Republicans took away the funding for security there. People, do you have no memories?
NOW we must keep Trump from winning. If you can't see that, you need to look again. The Free World will not be free if people persist in their delusions that they can just not vote, or that "it will be okay" if I throw my vote away on an candidate who can't win."I'm voting my heart!" Bullshit! You are acting as if your life is not part of a whole society. There are people around you who will suffer, maybe even die, if this man comes to power.
Your very lives may be at stake here. Women: have you even seen what the GOP wants to do to us?
I'm sorry you don't have the perfect candidate that fits your lifestyle. Trump just said that he wants a world war after what happened in France. A WORLD WAR.Do you care about that? Do you want that in the White House?
Real life is making hard decisions. Responsibility is taking care of each other.
If a man took over your neighborhood and was incarcerating all the people with red hair, would you say "that doesn't concern me because I have blonde hair?" Of course you wouldn't. I should hope you wouldn't! You'd do something about it, wouldn't you? You'd call the police, right?
There won't be police to call when Trump and his hate take over. That's where it leads. He can not be allowed to win this election just because there is a "greener" candidate.
NOTE: I caucused for Bernie. I would be campaigning for Bernie Sanders if it looked like he could win. He has endorsed Hillary Clinton. If he ends up with the nomination I will vote for him. If he doesn't, I will vote for Hillary Clinton. Trump will destroy our country. He is actively inciting hate right now, this very minute. To give a man like that power is the biggest possible mistake we could make.