We've had two excellent group practices on the big bang-up group pieces! All the students have been practicing for the upcoming recital, both their solo pieces and their group numbers. I am always very impressed with how the rehearsals go: everyone plays together so well! You are going to love our rendition of the Star Wars theme.
On Saturday some students told me that there were storm troopers outside. I looked at them and said, perplexed, "We have STATE Troopers but there are really no such thing as storm troopers, that's on Star Wars." However they insisted that there were REAL storm troopers and finally I figured it out: there were some folks in storm trooper costumes in front of the comic book shop! Whew! For a minute there I thought I'd pushed the whole Star Wars thing just a tad bit too far! Of course the first thought I had was that we should ask them to come to the recital. And when the older children were done with their lessons, they walked down to the comic book store to do just that. Unfortunately the storm troopers had gone home to have dinner. Even storm troopers have to eat.
Come and listen and visit and have a snack, (bring a snack to share if you can) and enjoy all the music. We are having three duets, as well as the big group pieces and the solos.
Tartan Tundra Music Recital:Students of Jean McDermott
Noel Wien Public Library Auditorium, 1215 Cowles St., Fairbanks AK
Students to arrive at 6:30. Program begins at 7pm. Music for about an hour, visit and eat for about 45 minutes.
I would very much like to get the recital digitally recorded. If you have that capabiliy, please let me know and bring your equipment. Additionally, if you record parts of the recital (of course you want to immortalize your child, right?) please send or bring me (thumb drives are handy) a copy. Thanks, and see you Monday night!