Weather-Related Challenges
First of all, I'm teaching during our -40°F weather. For many businesses this is a cut-off temperature, but if we let the weather keep us from living our lives, it can be VERY boring!
What is my cut-off temperature? Oh, probably -45°. Vehicles get pretty iffy, and there are enough students who will cancel at those temps. While we are at it, another weather-related condition that would cause me to cancel classes would be a large amount of black ice.
Music Challenges
As you know, our Winter Recital is on December 7, 2011, at the Noel Wien Library Auditorium. Students must be there by 6:30 to get organized and tuned up.
I am in search of someone I can hire who would digitally videotape the recital for us. Please give me a call or an email if you know of anyone who can do a good job for us.
Earlier I stated that we'd be playing the Dr. Who theme for this recital, but since there is no string music available for it, it has become a real challenge to create parts for our various instruments using a piano score. Therefore, in order to be fair to the students, I've decided that we will do the Dr. Who Theme during the Spring Recital, which will give everyone a good chance to learn and practice the music. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but just wait, it will be brilliant when we do it next Spring!
Schedule Challenges
The Holidays are coming, and by now you all should have received a Fall Schedule sheet. If not, here are the important bits:
1. No Thursday or Saturday classes on Thanksgiving weekend.
2. Recital December 7, at the Noel Wien Library. Students should arrive there by 6:30. Help setting up and carrying equipment is greatly appreciated!
3. Payment for December and January is due:
The last November day you have your lesson
Thursday, Nov. 17
Saturday, Nov. 19
Monday, Nov. 28
Tuesday, Nov. 29
Wednesday, Nov. 30
4. To facilitate figuring out how much to pay, here is a list of the teaching days in December and January
IN DECEMBER (the last lesson day in December will be the 22nd)
Monday 3 lessons
Tuesday 3 lessons
Wednesday three lessons
Thursday four lessons
Saturday three lessons
IN JANUARY, starting the 9th of January
Monday 4 lessons
Tuesday 4 lessons
Wednesday 3 lessons
Thursday 3 lessons
Saturday 3 lessons
5. The last day I teach in December is December 22nd. The first day I teach in January 2012 is January 9th.
I hope this helps everyone keep our schedule straight! I have handouts with this same information, as well as an information sheet on the recital, down at the studio, so pick one up if you haven't yet.