On May 13, 2022, we held the Spring Recital over Zoom.
Everyone stepped up and really performed! I'm always nervous before the program, and the students always blow me away, every time! One student had a school even and was unable to attend, so I recorded him and the video was seamlessly played along with all the live student performances.
Students from Fairbanks, North Pole, Dot Lake. and New Mexico were all represented. I'd love to have everyone in the same room in person, however the video recital allows everyone to be there "in person." It also allows friends and family members to attend in real time, no matter how far away they are. They can clap and send encouraging messages, too!
For the Winter Recital, I envision a hybrid event, where the local students can play in person, and the distance students might be on a large screen onstage. It all depends on the state of the pandemic, I'm afraid. But I am hopeful and eager to have an in-person recital.
Here is the link to watch our latest recital. Enjoy!