Since it has been -40° for at least a week now, let me reassure you all that lessons do go on even in these low temperatures!
A full day of lessons is scheduled today, and I'll be there. Should the weather drop to -50° I'd reconsider, and see how many of you can take your lessons at home using Skype on the computer.
Skype is an awesome option during times when you can't come to class. Should you be out of town, or home sick-but-not-that-sick (possibly contagious but not feeling awful), or if I happen to be sick (but not that sick), having lessons via Skype allows us to keep going.
Since I've been teaching via videoconference to a school out on the Yukon for many years, I'm well-prepared to teach that way.
At this point in time I am not yet able to teach from the studio via Skype, I must go home first to use the internet there. But sometime next week I'll have internet in the studio so we'lll be able to Skype from there, too.
Do you have an iPhone 4? Did you know you can use Skype with the iPhone? Once I put in the wireless network at the studio, we can use Facetime to do lessons, too!
There are so many ways to connect these days that it's amazing! If you have friends Outside or in the Bush who would like to take lessons via Skype or Facetime, let them know I am available.
So stay warm, keep healthy, and I'll see you down at the studio today.